Yes, we're going to do it differently. There's hundreds of reviews and free downloads of Relapse available online...but we're going to review it fresh off the first spin of the album on Spotify. Call it freestlye reviewing lovely people...
So, the first thought that strikes your mind is fu*k me it's been four years but he hasn't lost his flow. The absolutely breathtaking rhyme juggling on all tracks keeps you focused on his insane lyrics throughout the minutes of the album. Is there anyone out there who can match him??
The second thought is insane. Slim Shady has always been a crazy one, but on Relapse Em takes his alter ego to the next level. He is fully aware of this, couldn't care less and has some hardcore explicit in your face fun with it. True parental advisory horror sh*t, you're warned (just in case you weren't expecting this)
The third thought is the beats. Yes it's Dre, yes of course they're good...but I don't know. Was expecting something more evolved here to carry that mad twisting flow of his.
To wrap it up, I really had no idea what to expect. What I got was an evolved top of the class flow, fun rhymes, the same ol Em lyrics (with maybe more of a drug swing this time round) and Dre's beats. It ain't new or innovative, but it ain't bad at all. Simple true hardcore headbangin Eminem rap. Go and buy it, he still is one of the best.
I would agree with this, especially the beats part. If these are any indication of what's about to happen, the beats on Detox should be great!